How to build a Charity website Part 4.

How well is your website performing?
You want your website to inform and most importantly, you want it to sell your Charity.
But how do you know if your website is selling your Charity well enough? What is the conversion rate? Where is your website failing – is it design, instruction, unclear website content? Why aren’t people visiting and donating to our charity? Is it easy to use and navigate ? How long does it take to load?
Fortunately, there are now many ways to solve the mystery of website marketing, and to help revise, improve and move forward with developing your website.
External Agency expertise
A number of companies specialise in providing SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Web Analytic software, which effectively takes the raw data from your website server logs and turns it into reports telling you how well or how badly your website is performing. The only problem is, is that the reports will tell you where you are going wrong, but they don’t tell you how to put things right. There are also thousands of agencies out there who can pick your site to pieces, identifying how many new visitors you’ve had, how long they’ve spent on each page, how many pages they go through, and so on. They can tweak the copy too, so that it’s loaded with search engine triggers.
Do it Yourself
But before you invest in outside agencies to help you on the path to success, it’s worth taking an honest look at your website first, Perhaps the ‘basics’ might simply need a little fine tuning.
Is the copy complicated?
Sometimes, simply revising and editing your website copy (the website content) can work wonders. For example, are your website pages too wordy and too long? Ideally, your website page content should be kept to a bare minimum. If you have more that you want to say, then get your website visitors to click and move onto the next page – every web page visit should tell the website visitor something new about you and should prompt the visitor to take some kind of action, even if it is to just move onto the next web page.
Does the website page design look like an accident waiting to happen?
Nothing puts people off more than poor webpage design. Is the page layout confusing? Are the navigational buttons nowhere to be seen? As your website evolves, you may have without thinking loaded the page with way too much content. So do not overload any web page with too much information onto 1 page.
Does your website take ages to load?
Few things are more frustrating and timewasting than a website that takes too long to load.

What’s your ‘click rate’?
Overall it is important that make the user journey throughout the website as easy as possible. Keep things simple, manoeuvre the website visitor towards the ‘donate now’ button in as few stages as possible. This is called the ‘click rate’.
The main reason purchases are often left incomplete and shopping carts left abandoned is because the entire checkout process is just far too long and tedious. Visitors literally switch off and then go elsewhere.
The all-important Conversion Rate (CR)
The conversion rate measures the number of visitors who visit your website within a period of time that is divided by the number of website visitors who actually take action (For example, donate money to your charity). On average, website conversion rates s are in the region of between 3-5%. Anything less than 2% is poor, and anything above 10% is very good. Therefore, take a short while to work out your current conversion rate.
Using donation websites like
Anybody celebrating a special event such as a birthday or anniversary could make a difference by choosing to have their gifts as a donation to your charity. It could be a birthday, anniversary, wedding or indeed any special occasion you wish to donate to your preferred charity.
By allowing your website visitors and charity supporters to create an online page via etc and ask your friends and family to make a donation instead of receiving a personal gift.
Setting up and creating a page is easy. And can be personalised with your own personal photos and messages. Any money raised will help your preferred charity cause and mission. Additionally, UK Taxpayers can add 25% to their donation at no extra cost via the Gift Aid scheme.

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